Goble, P.E. and R.S. Schumacher, 2023. On the Sources of Water Supply Forecast Error in Western Colorado. Journal of Hydrometeorology, https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-23-0004.1
Goble, P.E., H.W. Caspari, R.S. Schumacher, 2023. Using Climatological Data to Identify Locations with Viticultural Potential in Colorado. Journal of Applied and Service Climatology, DOI:10.46275/JOASC.2023.04.001
Bolinger, R.A., and Coauthors, 2022. An assessment of the extremes and impacts of the February 2021 South-Central U.S. Arctic outbreak, and how climate services can help. Weather and Climate Extremes, Volume 36.
Spaccio, Jessica, Arthur DeGaetano, and Nolan Doesken, 2021: COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders Result in a Decrease in the Number of Missing Daily Precipitation Observations, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102, 3 (2021): 207-209
Rongstad, B, Montano, P., Newman, N., et al., 2021: We Are Water - Community Voices and Collaborative Partnerships Inform Development of Informal STEAM Education Experiences, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, vol. 2021, 2021.
Goble, P.E., R.A. Bolinger, R.S. Schumacher, 2021. A CONUS-wide Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index for Major US Row Crops. Journal of Hydrometeorology, https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-20-0270.1
Henry Reges & Nolan Doesken, 2020: A Day in the Life of the CoCoRaHS Network, Weatherwise, 73:4, 32-39, DOI: 10.1080/00431672.2020.1762416
Schumacher, R., P. Goble, and B. Bolinger, 2020. The Drought of 2020 in Colorado. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 37, 3 (Dec), pp. 24-27.
Renato Morbidelli, et al, 2020: The history of rainfall data time-resolution in a wide variety of geographical areas. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 590, 125258, ISSN 0022-1694, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125258.
Montano, P., Gold, A., Leckey, E., et al., 2020: We Are Water - Community Perspectives at the Center of Designing Informal STEM Education Experiences About Water, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, vol. 2020, 2020.
Goble, P.E., N.J. Doesken, I. Durre, R.S. Schumacher, A. Stewart, and J. Turner, 2020. Who Received the Most Rain Today? An Analysis of Daily Precipitation Extremes in the Contiguous US using CoCoRaHS and COOP Reports. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Jan, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0310.1
Campbell JL, Rustad LE, Garlick S, Newman N, Stanovick JS, Halm I, Driscoll CT, Barjenbruch BL, Burakowski E, Hilberg SD, Sanders KJ, Shafer JC, Doesken NJ., 2020: A comparison of low-cost collector configurations for quantifying ice accretion. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 59: 1429-1442, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-19-0280.1.
Goble, P. and R.S. Schumacher, 2019. 2019: A Snow Year to Remember for Western Colorado. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 36, 3 (Aug), pp. 35-37.
Newman, N., 2019. The Evolution of Measuring Drought. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 36, 2 (Mar/Apr), pp. 22-24.
Schumacher, R. and Coauthors, 2018. CoAgMET, "Colorado's Mesonet" to Analyze Our State's Weather and Climate. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 35, 5 (Sept/Oct), pp. 38-40.
Rogers, M. A., Burt, M. A., Newman, N., and Kriederman, L., 2018: Using NOAA Observations In Concert with Community Resilience Tools for Fire and Flood Resilience in the Colorado Rockies, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, vol. 2018, 2018.
Goble, P., 2018. Exploring Wind Patterns Over Colorado Agricultural Lands. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 35, 4 (Jul/Aug), pp. 26-29.
Schumacher, R., 2018. High-Impact Rainfall and Floods in Colorado. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 35, 2 (Mar/Apr), pp. 2-6.
Bolinger, B., 2018. The Significance of Snowpack in Defining Drought in Colorado. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 35, 2 (Mar/Apr), pp. 18-21.
Bolinger, B., 2017. A Changing "Climate" at the Colorado Climate Center: Saying Goodbye to Familiar Faces, Hello to What's New. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 34, 5 (Sept/Oct), pp. 36-40.
Doesken, N., 2017. Nolan Doesken, A Man for Our Climate. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 34, 5 (Sept/Oct), pp. 30-35.
Goble, P., Nolan Doesken and Noah Newman, 2017. An Assessment of Weather and Climate Monitoring Systems in Colorado: Current Systems, Gaps and Future Needs. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, July, 2015 - Sept, 2018.
S. Andrew Sheppard, Julian Turner, Jacob Thebault-Spieker, Haiyi Zhu, and Loren Terveen. 2017. Never Too Old, Cold or Dry to Watch the Sky: A Survival Analysis of Citizen Science Volunteerism. Proc. ACM Hum.- Comput. Interact. 1, CSCW, Article 94 (November 2017), 21 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3134729
Lackstrom, K and Coauthors, 2017. CoCoRaHS Observers Contribute to "Condition Monitoring" in the Carolinas: A New Initiative Addresses Needs for Drought Impacts Information.Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0306.1, in press.
Wilhite, D.A., Roger S. Pulwarty and Coauthors, 2017: Drought and Water Crises: Integrating Science, Management, and Policy, 2nd edition. Part III: Advances in Tools for Drought Prediction, Early Warning, Decision Support and Management. ISBN 9781138035645 - CAT# K31741.
Bolinger, R. A., A. D. Gronewold, K. Kompoltowicz, and L. M. Fry, 2017: Application of the NMME in the Development of a New Regional Seasonal Climate Forecast Tool.Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00107.1
Newman, N., and Nolan Doesken, 2017. "Citizen Science" at Work in Colorado. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 34, 3 (May/Jun), pp. 40-42.
Goble, P., and Nolan Doesken, 2017. Colorado's Climate and Forests: An Update on Snowpack's Developing Relationship with Climate Change and the El Nino Oscillation. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 34, 2 (Mar/Apr), pp. 18-21.
Goble, P., Nolan Doesken and Linda Joyce, 2016. Rio Grande National Forest Historic Climate Assessment. Prepared for the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service and Rocky Mountain Research Station by the Colorado Climate Center. 78 p.
Doesken, N., Peter Goble and Zach Schwalbe, 2016. Colorado Climate Center: Water Year Wrap-Up. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 33, 5 (Nov/Dec), pp. 28-34.
Doesken, N., 2016. Drought Monitoring and Early Warning in Colorado. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 33, 3 (Jul/Aug), pp. 22-23.
Goble, P., Nolan Doesken and Russ Schumacher, 2016. Using Reanalysis Data to Find Signal Strength of Root Zone Soil Moisture. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 33, 2 (May/June), pp. 22-25.
Doesken, N., 2016. Climate Trends in Colorado over the Past Century. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 33, 1 (Mar/Apr), pp. 10-13.
Reges, H., N. Doesken, J. Turner, N. Newman, A. Bergantino, and Z. Schwalbe, 2016: CoCoRaHS: The evolution and accomplishments of a volunteer rain gauge network. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00213.1.
Doesken, N., 2015. Unusully Low Evaporation Means More Water for Colorado This Year. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 32, 4 (Nov/Dec), pp. 23-24.
Gochis, D. and Coauthors, 2015: The Great Colorado Flood of September 2013. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96, 1461-1487.
Goble, P., Nolan Doesken and Russ Schumacher, 2015. Assessing Soil Moisture-Temperature Feedbacks: Will Increased Surface Heating Exacerbate Drought? Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 32, 2 (May/June), pp. 27-30.
Doesken, N., and Wendy Ryan, 2015. A Short Review of Colorado's Water Year 2014 Climate. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 32, 1 (Jan/Feb), pp. 18-19.
Smith, K.H., M. Svoboda, M. Hayes, H. Reges, N. Doesken, K. Lackstrom, K. Dow and A. Brennan, 2014. Local observers fill in the details on drought impact reporter maps. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 95, 11(Nov), 1659-1662.
Bolinger, Rebecca A., Christian D. Kummerow, and Nolan J. Doesken, 2014. Attribution and Characteristics of Wet and Dry Seasons in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Journal of Climate, American Meteorological Society, Vol. 27, Dec. 1, pp. 8661-8673.
Lukas, J., Barsugli, J., Doesken, N., Rangwala, I., and K. Wolter, 2014. Climate Change in Colorado: A Synthesis to Support Water Resources Management and Adaptation. A Report for the Colorado Water Conservation Board, Western Water Assessment, Second Edition, (Aug.) 114 pp.
Doesken, N., and Wendy Ryan, 2014. Fish, Wildlife, and Climate. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 31, 4 (July/Aug), pp. 24-26.
Phillips, M., 2014. Estimating Sublimation in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 31, 3 (May/June), pp. 20-22.
Doesken, N., and Wendy Ryan, 2014. Precipitation Frequency: Defining the 100-year Storm. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 31, 2 (Mar/Apr), pp. 20-23.
Hoover, J.D., N. Doesken, K. Elder, M. Laituri, and G. Liston, 2014. Temporal trend analyses of alpine data using North American Regional Reanalysis and in situ data: temperature, wind speed, precipitation, and derived blowing snow. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Vol. 53, No. 3. (March) pp. 676-693.
Ryan, W., and Nolan Doesken, 2014. The Climate of the South Platte Basin: A Lesson in Variability. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 31, 1 (Jan/Feb), pp. 28-31.
Newman, N., 2014. Measuring Rainfall for Science: How a Citizen Science Program Reaches into the Classroom and Across the Curriculum. In The Trenches, National Association of Geoscience Teachers, vol. 4,1, (Jan.) pp. 5-7.
Doesken, Nolan, 2013. Climate, Floods and Public Policy: What did we learn from the September 2013 Colorado floods? Center for Science and Technology Policy Research. Ogmius Newsletter, No. 37 Winter 2013/2014.
Doesken, N., and Wendy Ryan, 2013. Measuring the Weather. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 30, 5 (Sept/Oct), pp. 20-23.
Ryan, W., and Nolan Doesken, 2013. Drought of 2012 in Colorado. Climatology Report 13-01. Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO. June, 2013.
Smith, Rebecca A., and Christian D. Kummerow, 2013. A Comparison of in Situ, Reanalysis, and Satellite Water Budgets over the Upper Colorado River Basin. Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 888-905.
Muniz, A, 2013. Relating Streamflow Amounts to Various Climate Indices and Quantifying Spatial Differences in Snowpack in Colorado. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 30, 3 (May/June), pp. 22-25.
Ryan, W., and Nolan Doesken, 2013. An Algorithm to Estimate Traditional Snowfall Measurements from Ultrasonic Snow Depth Sensors at U.S. Observing Sites. Western Snow Conference. 81st Annual Meeting (April 15-18, 2013), pp. 53-58
Phillips, M., 2013. Variability of Snow Sublimation in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Western Snow Conference. 81st Annual Meeting (April 15-18, 2013), pp. 91-102
Kunkel, K., Nolan Doesken et al., 2013. Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Volume 94, Issue 4 (April 2013), DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00262.1
Newman, N., and Nolan Doesken, 2013. Counting (on) Precipitation: CoCoRaHS in the Classroom. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 30, 1 (Jan/Feb), pp. 34-36.
Doesken, N., Smith, R., and Wendy Ryan, 2012. Drought Early Warning System for the Upper Colorado River Basin, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 29, 6 (Nov/Dec), pp. 32-35.
Doesken, N., and Wendy Ryan, 2012. Drought Stinks! Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 29, 4 (Jul/Aug), pp. 24-27.
Garfin, G., Nolan Doesken et al., 2012. Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: a Technical Report Prepared for the U.S. National Climate Assessment. Tucson, AZ: Southwest Climate Alliance. Chapter 4 (July).
Doesken, N., and Wendy Ryan, 2012: The new USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 29, 2 (Mar/Apr), pp. 26-29.
Doesken, N., 2012: Figuring out Colorado’s Precipitation Patterns. Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University, vol. 29, 1 (Jan/Feb), pp. 22-23.
Phillips, M., and Nolan Doesken, 2011: Continental Wind Patterns Associated with Colorado Alpine Dust Deposition: An Application of the BLM/USFS RAWS Network Journal of Service Climatology, Volume 5, Number 2, pp 1-11, 2011.
Reges, H., and Nolan Doesken, 2011: Creating a Volunteer Observing Network. WMO Bulletin, Volume 60(1) - 2011.
Reges, H., and Nolan Doesken, 2010: The Value of the Citizen Weather Observer. Weatherwise magazine, November-December, 2010.
Schlatter, T.W., and Nolan Doesken, 2010: Deep Hail: Tracking an Elusive Phenomenon. Weatherwise magazine, September-October, 2010.
Doesken, Nolan, 2010: “Wrapping Up the 2010 Water Year.” Colorado Water. Sept/Oct. 2010: Print.
Doesken, Nolan, 2010: “2012 Water – Rain Gauges for Everyone.” Colorado Water. July/Aug. 2010: Print.
Doesken, Nolan, 2010: “Alpine Dust Deposition and Associated Continental Winds.” Colorado Water. May/June. 2010: Print.
Doesken, Nolan, 2010: Evapotranspiration Workshop: Using the Best Science to Estimate Comsumptive Use, March 12. DVD.
Doesken, Nolan, 2010: “CoAgMet Needs Your Help.” Colorado Water. March/April. 2010: 19-20. Print.
Doesken, Nolan and Robinson, D.A., 2009: Historical Climate Variability and Impacts in North America; XIV, ISBN: 978-90-481-2827-3; Book Chapter IV; 251-274. Dec 16; Springer.
Doesken, Nolan, 2009: “A Review of the 2009 Colorado Water Year.” Colorado Water. Nov/Dec. 2009: Print.
Doesken, Nolan, 2009: “Surprise-More Water Than Expected!” Colorado Water. Sept/Oct. 2009: 27. Print.
Doesken, Nolan, 2009: “Colorado’s Weather and Water: Spring 2009.” Colorado Water. July/Aug. 2009: 22-23. Print.
Doesken, Nolan, 2009: “Arkansas River Basin Climate.” Colorado Water. May/June. 2009: 22-25. Print.
Doesken, Nolan, 2009: “Endangered Species-Where does ‘Climate’ Fit In?” Colorado Water March/Arpil. 2009: Print.
Doesken, Nolan, 2009: “The Fort Collins Weather Station: 120 Years.” Colorado Water Jan/Feb. 2009: 14-15. Print.
W.A. Ryan, N.J. Doesken, S. Fassnacht, 2008: Preliminary results of ultrasonic snow depth sensor testing for NWS snow measurements in the US. Hydrol. Process.22(15):2748-2757, DOI: 10.1002/hyp 7065.
R.A. Pielke, K. Wolter, O. Bliss, N. Doesken, and B. McNoldy, 2007: July 2005 Denver heat wave: How unusual was it? National Weather Digest, Vol. 31, #1, 24-35.
Pielke, et al, 2007: Documentation of uncertainties and biases associated with surface temperature measurement sites for climate change assessment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88:6, 913-928.
Brazenec, W.A., 2005: Evaluation of ultrasonic snow depth sensors for automated surface observing systems (ASOS). Dept of Forest, Rangeland, and Watershed Stewardship, M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Colins, CO, Fall 2005, 134 pp.
Doesken, N. J., 2005: A ten-year comparison of daily precipitation from the 4" diameter clear plastic rain gauge versus the 8" diameter metal standard rain gauge. 13th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, Savannah, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2.2.
Cifelli, R., N. Doesken, P. Kennedy, L.D. Carey, S.A. Rutledge, C. Gimmestad and T. Depue, 2005: The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network: Informal education for scientists and citizens. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 86, 8(Aug), 1069-1077.
Davey, C.A., and R.A. Pielke Sr., 2005: Microclimate exposures of surface-based weather stations - implications for the assessment of long-term temperature trends. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 86, No. 4, 497504.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Michael A. Gillespie, 2005: A Review of the 2004 Water Year in Colorado. 25th Annual AGU Hydrology Days Conference, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, pp 279-291.
Pielke, R.A. Sr., N. Doesken, O. Bliss, T. Green, C. Chaffin, J.D. Salas, C.
Woodhouse, J.L. Lukas, and K. Wolter, 2005: Drought
2002 in Colorado - An unprecedented drought or a routine drought? Pure Appl.
Geophys., Special Issue in honor of Prof. Singh, 162, 1455-1479, doi:10.1007/200024-005-2679-6.
Patterson, Leslie, Roger A. Pielke, and Nolan J. Doesken, 2004: Storming the State. Annual Report, Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 2 pages.
Pielke, Sr., Roger A., 2004: A Broader Perspective on Climate Change is Needed. Discussion Forum. Global Change Newsletter, No. 59, September, pp 16-19.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Michael A. Gillespie, 2004: A Review of the 2003 Water Year in Colorado. 24th Annual AGU Hydrology Days Conference, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, pp 261-272.
Pielke, Sr., R.A., N. Doesken, and O. Bliss, 2003: Climate of Colorado. Climatology Report 60 Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO. January, 2003.
Pielke, R.A., Sr., 2002: State Climatologists Issue Policy on climate change. EOS, Vol 83, #15
Pielke, R.A. Sr., 2002: Overlooked issues in the U.S. National Climate and IPCC assessments. Climatic Change, 52, 1-11.
Pielke Sr., R.A., T. Stohlgren, L. Schell,
W. Parton, N. Doesken, K. Redmond, J. Moeny, T. McKee, and T.G.F. Kittel,
2002: Problems
in evaluating regional and local trends in temperature: An example from
eastern Colorado, USA. Int. J. Climatol., 22, 421-434.
Castro, C.L., T.B. McKee, and R.A. Pielke, Sr., 2001: The
relationship of the North American monsoon to tropical and North Pacific
sea surface temperatures as revealed by observational analyses. J.
Climate, 14, 4449-4473.
Eastman, J.L., M.B. Coughenour, and R.A.
Pielke, 2001: Does
grazing affect regional climate? J. Hydrometeorology, 2, 243-253.
Pielke Sr., R.A., 2001: Influence
of the spatial distribution of vegetation and soils on the prediction
of cumulus convective rainfall. Rev. Geophys., 39, 151-177.
Castro, Christopher L., Thomas B. McKee, and Roger A. Pielke, Sr., 2000:
The Relationship of the North American Monsoon to Tropical and North Pacific
Sea Surface Temperatures as Revealed by Observational Analyses. Climatology
Report 00-1, Atmos Sci Paper 693, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins,
CO, April, 95 pp. (Available, $5)
Chase, T.N., R.A. Pielke, J.A. Knaff, T.G.F. Kittel, and J.L. Eastman, 2000: A comparison of regional trends in 1979-1997 depth-averaged tropospheric temperatures. Int. J. Climatology, 20, 503-518.
Griffith, Brian D., and Thomas B. McKee, 2000:. Rooftop and Ground Standard Temperatures: A Comparison of Physical Differences. Climatology Report 00-2, Atmos. Sci. Paper 694, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, July, 49 pp. (Available, $5)
McKee, Thomas B., Nolan J. Doesken, Christopher A. Davey, and Roger A. Pielke, Sr., 2000: Climate Data Continuity with ASOS, Report for Period April 1996 through June 2000. Climatology Report 00-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, November, 82 pp. (Hardcopy Available, $5)
Pielke, R.A., T. Stohlgren, W. Parton,
J. Moeny, N. Doesken, L. Schell, and K. Redmond, 2000: Spatial
representativeness of temperature measurements from a single site.
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81, 826-830.
Chase, T.N., R.A. Pielke, Sr., T.G.F. Kittel, J.S. Baron,
and T.J. Stohlgren, 1999: Potential
impacts on Colorado Rocky Mountain weather due to land use changes on
the adjacent Great Plains. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 16673-16690.
Greene, E.M., G.E. Liston, and R.A. Pielke, 1999: Simulation
of above treeline snowdrift formation using a numerical snow-transport
model. Cold Regions Sci. Tech., 30, 135-144.
Judson, Arthur and Nolan Doesken, 1999: Density of Freshly Fallen Snow in the Central Rocky Mountains. Climatology Report 99-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, September, 29 pp. (Snow Density article, BAMS, July 2000, Vol 81, #7)
Liston, G.E., R.A. Pielke, and E.M. Greene, 1999: Improving
first-order snow-related deficiencies in a regional climate model.
J. Geophys. Res., 104, 19559-19567.
McKee, Thomas B, Nolan J. Doesken, and John Kleist, 1999: Historical Dry and Wet Periods in Colorado, Climatology Report 99-1, Part A: Technical Report pp 1-121, Part B: Appendices, pp 122-400, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO.
Pielke, R.A., G.E. Liston, J.L. Eastman, L. Lu, and
M. Coughenour, 1999: Seasonal
weather prediction as an initial value problem. J. Geophys. Res.,
104, 19463-19479.
Butler, Richard D., and Thomas B. McKee, 1998: ASOS heated tipping bucket performance assessment and impact on precipitation climate continuity. Climatology Report 98-2, Atmospheric Science Paper No. 655, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, 83 pp.
Doesken, Nolan J., 1998: A post-evaluation of rainfall reports associated with the Pawnee Creek flood of July 29-30, 1997 in eastern Weld and western Logan counties in northeast Colorado Climatology Report 98-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, August, 33 pp. (photocopies only)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1998: An Analysis of Rainfall for the July 28, 1997 Flood in Fort Collins, Colorado. Climatology Report 98-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, February, 55 pp.
Pielke, R.A., 1998: Climate
prediction as an initial value problem. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
79, 2743-2746.
Pielke, R.A. and M. Uliasz, 1998: Use of meteorological models as input to regional and mesoscale air quality models - Limitations and strengths. Atmos. Environ., 32, 1455-1466.
Pielke, R.A., J. Eastman, T.N. Chase, J. Knaff, and T.G.F. Kittel, 1998: 1973-1996 trends in depth-averaged tropospheric temperature. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 16927-16933.
Pielke, R. A., J. Eastman, T.N. Chase, J. Knaff, and
T.G.F. Kittel, 1998: Correction
to ``1973-1996 trends in depth-averaged tropospheric temperature''.
J. Geophys. Res., 103, 28909-28911.
Stohlgren, T.J., T.N. Chase, R.A. Pielke, T.G.F. Kittel, and J. Baron, 1998: Evidence that local land use practices influence regional climate and vegetation patterns in adjacent natural areas. Global Change Biology, 4, 495-504.
Edwards, Daniel C. and Thomas B. McKee, 1997: Characteristics of 20th century drought in the United States at multiple time scales. Climo Report 97-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, May, 155 pp.
Edwards, Daniel C., T.B. McKee, N.J. Doesken, and J.Kliest, 1997: Historical Analysis of Drought in the United States. Seventh Conference on Climate Variability, 2-7 February 1997, Long Beach, California.
McKee, Thomas B. and Nolan J. Doesken, 1997: Colorado extreme storm precipitation data study. Final report: Summary of accomplishments and work performed February 15, 1995 through October 31, 1996. Climo Report 97-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, May, 107 pp.
Schrumpf, Alison D., and Thomas B. McKee, 1996: Temperature data continuity with the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS). Climo Rpt 96-2, Atmos Sci Paper #616, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, 242 pp.
McKee, Thomas B., Nolan J. Doesken, and John Kleist, 1996: Climate Data Continuity with ASOS (Report for Period Sept 1994 - March 1996).Climo Rpt 96-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci.., CSU, Fort Collins, CO March, 117 pp.
McKee, T.B, N.J. Doesken, and J. Kliest, 1995: Drought Monitoring with Multiple Time Scales. 9th AMS Conference on Applied Climatology, 15-20 January 1995, Dallas, Texas.
Snook, J.S. and R.A. Pielke, 1995: Diagnosing
a Colorado heavy snow event with a nonhydrostatic mesoscale numerical
model structured for operational use. Wea. Forecasting, 10, 261-285.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1994: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1993 - September 1994). Climo Rpt 94-4, Dept. of Atmos. Sci.., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 149 pp.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1994: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1992-September 1993). Climo Rpt 94-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, March, 153 pp.
McKee, Thomas B., Nolan J. Doesken and John Kleist, 1994: Climate data continuity with ASOS--1994 Annual Report (September 1993 - August 1994). Climo Rpt 94-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci.., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 67 pp.
McKee, Thomas B., Nolan J. Doesken and John Kleist, 1994: Climate data continuity with ASOS--1993 Annual Report (September 1992-August 1993). Climo Rpt 94-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, Feburary, 95 pp.
Papineau, J., R.A. Pielke, and D.A. Wesley, 1994: A
performance evaluation of the NGM and RAMS models for the 29-30 March
1991 Colorado Front Range Storm. Nat. Wea. Digest, 19, 2-11.
Doesken, Nolan J., 1993: ASOS Implementation: Potential Impacts on the BLM. Report to BLM, PO #N657-P3-940, November, 7 pp. (not for distribution)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Natalie Tourville, 1993: Evaluation of BLM prototype climate monitoring station at the official Fort Collins, CO, weather station. Report to BLM, PO #N657-P3-940, November, 18 pp. (not for distribution)
Doesken, Nolan J and Thomas B. McKee, 1993: The climate of Fort Collins, CO. The Year in Review 1993 water-year (1 October 1992-30 September 1993). Climo Rept 93-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, 64 pp. (Available $5.00)
Doesken, Nolan J., Imke Durre and Natalie Tourville, 1993. Daily climatic data from Fort Collins, CO, weather station on the campus of Colorado State University. Climo Rpt 93-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., Fort Collins, CO, September, 39 pp. (photocopies only)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1993: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1991-September 1992). Climo Rpt 93-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, August, 160 pp.
McKee, Thomas B., Nolan J. Doesken, and J. Kliest, 1993: The Relationship of Drought Frequency and Duraction of Time Scales, Eighth Conference on Applied Climatology, 17-22 January 1993, Anaheim, California
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1992: The climate of Fort Collins, CO. The Year in Review 1992 water-year (1 October 1991-30 September 92). Climo Rept 92-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., Fort Collins, CO, December, 64 pp.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1992: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1990-September 1991). Climo Rpt 92-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, 137 pp. (photocopies only)
Rasmussen, R.M., M.K. Politovich, J. Marwitz, J. McGinley, J. Smart, W. Sand, G. Stossmeister, B. Bernstein, R. Pielke, D. Wesley, S. Rutledge, K. Elmore, E. Westwater, B. Stankov, and D. Burrows, 1992: Winter Icing and Storms Project (WISP). Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 73, 951-974.
Wolyn, Paul and Thomas B. McKee, 1992: Modeling and observational study of the daytime evolution east of the crest of the Colorado Rockies. Climo Report 92-1, ATS Paper 496, CSU, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., April, 225 pp. (Photocopies only)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1991: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1989-September 1990). Climo Rpt 91-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, January, 137 pp.
Doesken, Nolan J., Thomas B. McKee and Joyce Hersh, 1991: Cooperative weather observations in Colorado. Colorado Centennial 1891-1991, CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, 39 pp. (Available, $2.50)
Doesken, Nolan J., Thomas B. McKee and John Kleist, 1991: Development of a surface water supply index for the Western United States. Climo Report 91-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, November, 80 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Kleist, John, Nolan J. Doesken and Thomas B. McKee, 1991: A snapshot of Colorado's climate during the 20th century. Climo Report 91-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, 42 pp.
Segal, M., J.R. Garratt, R.A. Pielke, and Z. Ye., 1991: Scaling and numerical model evaluation of snow-cover effects on the generation and modification of daytime mesoscale circulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 48, 1024-1042.
Segal, M., J.H. Cramer, R.A. Pielke, J.R. Garratt, and P. Hildebrand, 1991: Observational evaluation of the snow-breeze. Mon. Wea. Rev., 119, 412-424.
Wesley, D., J. Weaver, and R. Pielke, 1991: Reply to comments on ``Heavy snowfall during an Arctic outbreak along the Colorado Front Range''. Natl. Wea. Dig., 16, 20-21.
Changnon, David, Thomas B. McKee and Nolan J. Doesken,
1990: Hydroclimatic variability in the Rocky Mountain region. Climo Rpt
90-3, ATS Paper 475, CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 225 pp. (photocopies
Doesken, Nolan J., Thomas B. McKee and John Kleist, 1990: Climatic data representativeness in western Colorado. Climo Rpt 90-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, 43 pp.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1990: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1988-September 1989). Climo Rpt 90-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, October, 137 pp.
Stocker, R.A., R.A. Pielke, A.J. Verdon, and J.T. Snow, 1990: Characteristics of plume releases as depicted by balloon launchings and model simulations. J. Appl. Meteor., 29, 53-62.
Wesley, D.A. and R.A. Pielke, 1990: Observations of blocking-induced convergence zones and effects on precipitation in complex terrain. Atmos. Res., 25, 235-276.
Wesley, D.A., J.F. Weaver, and R.A. Pielke, 1990: Heavy
snowfall during an extreme arctic outbreak along the Colorado Front Range.
Natl. Wea. Dig., 15, 2-19.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1989: Colorado Climate water-year
series (October 1987-September 1988). Climo Rpt 89-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci.,
CSU, Fort Collins, CO, March, 137 pp.
Doesken, Nolan J., John Kleist and Thomas B. McKee, 1989: Colorado temperatures with degree day and growing season data. Climo Rpt 89-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, approx 300 pp. (photocopies only)
Lee, T.J., R.A. Pielke, R.C. Kessler, and J. Weaver, 1989: Influence of cold pools downstream of mountain barriers on downslope winds and flushing. Mon. Wea. Rev., 117, 2041-2058.
Pielke, R.A. and X. Zeng, 1989: Influence on severe
storm development of irrigated land. Natl. Wea. Dig., 14, 16-17.
Segal, M., W. Schreiber, G. Kallos, R.A. Pielke, J.R.
Garratt, J. Weaver, A. Rodi, and J. Wilson, 1989: The
impact of crop areas in northeast Colorado on midsummer mesoscale thermal
circulations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 117, 809-825.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1988: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1986-September 1987). Climo Rpt 88-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, January, 116 pp.
Segal, M., R. Avissar, M.C. McCumber, and R.A. Pielke, 1988: Evaluation of vegetation effects on the generation and modification of mesoscale circulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 45, 2268-2292.
Abbs, D.J. and R.A. Pielke, 1987: Numerical simulations of orographic effects on NE Colorado snowstorms. Meteor. and Atmos. Phys., 37, 1-10.
Abbs, D.J. and R.A. Pielke, 1987: Numerical simulations of orographic effects on NE Colorado snowstorms. Meteor. and Atmos. Phys., 37, 1-10.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1987: Index of precipitation measurement sites in Colorado. Climo Rpt 87-1, CHC Rpt 1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, January, 90 pp. (Available, $6.00)
O'Neal, Robert D. and Thomas B. McKee, 1987: Intra-valley topographical control of nocturnal valley winds. Climo Rpt 87-2, ATS Paper 416, CSU, Fort Collins, CO, July, 103 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1987: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1985-September 1986). Climo Rpt 87-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, November, 116 pp.
Cowie, James R. and Thomas B. McKee, 1986: Colorado precipitation event and variability analysis. Climo Rpt 86-3, ATS Paper 400, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, July, 102 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Changnon, David and Thomas B. McKee, 1986: Economic impacts and analysis methods of extreme precipitation estimates for eastern Colorado. Climo Rpt 86-4, CIRA Rpt 5, CSU, Fort Collins, CO, August, 75 pp. (Photocopies only)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1986: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1984-September 1985). Climo Rpt 86-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, 115 pp.
Doesken, Nolan J., John Kleist and Douglas Swartz, 1986: Cooperative solar radiation data collection program, Fort Collins, Colorado, June 1985- May 1986. Climo Rpt 86-5, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, September, 37 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Kleist, John D., Nolan J. Doesken and Thomas B. McKee, 1986: Precipitation probabilities for selected Colorado locations. Climo Rpt 86-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, July, 284 pp. (Available, $10.00)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1985: Colorado Climate water-year series (October 1983-September 1984). Climo Rpt 85-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, February, 122 pp.
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1984: Colorado climate water-year series (October 1982-Spetember 1983). Climo Rpt 84-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, March, 131 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Doesken, Nolan J., Thomas B. McKee and Brian Richter, 1984: Analysis of Colorado average annual precipitation for the 1951-1970 period. Climo Rpt 84-4, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 53 pp. (Available, $5.00)
1984 No report for this number, Climo Rpt 84-2.
1984 No report for this number, Climo Rpt 84-3.
Conley, John R. and Thomas B. McKee, 1983: An analysis of solar radiation data for Fort Collins, Colorado. Climo Rpt 83-2, ATS Paper 369, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, February, 37 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Doesken, Nolan J., J. D. Kleist and T. B. McKee, 1983: Use of the Palmer Index and other water supply indexes for drought monitoring in Colorado. Climo Rpt 83-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, March, 71 pp. (photocopies only)
Smith, Jeffrey K. and Thomas B. McKee, 1983: Undisturbed clear day diurnal wind and temperature pattern in northeastern Colorado. Climo Rpt 83-1, ATS Paper 365, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO January, 103 pp. (Photocopies only)
Cox, Stephen K., Thomas B. McKee and Chris Johnson-Pasqua, 1983: Fort Collins solar radiation data (January 1980-December 1982). Climo Rpt 83-4, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 119 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1983: An inventory of requests for climate information in Colorado. Climo Rpt 83-5, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 24 pp. (Available, $3.00)
Doesken, Nolan J., Thomas B. McKee and David M. Ebel, 1982: Colorado solar radiation data with supplemental climatic data. Climo Rpt 82-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, August, 99 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1982: Colorado climate summary water-year series (October 1981-September 1982). Climo Rpt 82-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December 129 pp. (Available, $5.00)
McKee, Thomas B., Nolan J. Doesken and Harold C. Cochrane, 1982: Colorado demonstration Intergovernmental Climate Program, Final report. Climo Rpt 82-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, May, 103 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Bader, David C. and Thomas B. McKee, 1981: Simulation of the daytime boundary layer evolution in deep mountain valleys. Climo Rpt 81-4, ATS Paper 344, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 100 pp. (Photocopies only)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1981: Colorado climate summary water-year series (October 1980-September 1981). Climo Rpt 81-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 127 pp. (Photocopies only)
McKee, Thomas B., Nolan J. Doesken, Freeman M. Smith and John D. Kleist, 1981: Climate profile for the McCallum EMRIA study area. Climo Rpt 81-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, March, 69 pp. (Photocopies only)
McKee, Thomas B., Nolan J. Doesken, Freeman M. Smith and John D. Kleist, 1981: Development of climate profiles for reclamation. Climo Rpt 81-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, April, 58 pp. (Available, $5.00)
McKee, Thomas B., Nolan J. Doesken, Freeman M. Smith and John D. Kleist, 1981: Climatological analysis for mined-land reclamation. Bureau of Land Management Report No. BLM-YA-PT-81-037-3420. Denver, CO, December, 41 pp. (Available, no charge)
Cox, Stephen K., Thomas B. McKee and Pauline J. Martin, 1980: Fort Collins solar radiation data (January 1978-December 1979). Climo Rpt 80-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, August, 57 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1980: Colorado climate summary water-year series (October 1979-September 1980). Climo Rpt 80-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 116 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Whiteman, C. David, 1980: Breakup of temperature inversions in Colorado mountain valleys. Climo Rpt 80-2, ATS Paper 328, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, 250 pp. (photocopies only)
Doesken, N. J., T. B. McKee, S. B. Seagraves, W. C. Hume and P. Wrenn, 1979: Colorado solar radiation data. Joint effort of Colorado Climate Center and Colorado Office of Energy Conservation, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, August, 119 pp. (Photocopies only)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1979: Colorado climate summary water-year series (October 1978-September 1979). Climo Rpt 79-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 100 pp. (Available, $5.00)
Cox, Stephen K. and Thomas B. McKee, 1978: Fort Collins solar radiation data (May 1975 through December 1977). Climo Rpt. 78-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, August, 61 pp. (Photocopies only)
Heuer, George R., Dale F. Heerman, Thomas B. McKee and John F. Benci, 1978: Predicting winter wheat phenology using temperature and photoperiod. Climo Rpt. 78-2, ATS Paper 296, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, September, 81 pp. (Photocopies only)
Doesken, Nolan J. and Thomas B. McKee, 1978: Colorado climate summary water-year series (January 1977-September 1977; October 1977- September 1978). Climo Rpt. 78-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, December, 124 pp. (Photocopies only)
Benci, John F. and Thomas B. McKee, 1977: Colorado monthly temperature and precipitation summary for period 1951-1970. Climo Rpt. 77-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, March, 582 pp. (Photocopies only)
Benci, John F. and Thomas B. McKee, 1977: Monthly and water-year climatology for selected stations in northwestern Colorado. Climo Rpt. 77-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, June, 234 pp. (Photocopies only)
Benci, John F., and Thomas B. McKee, 1977: Colorado growing season. Climo Rpt. 77-3, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, August, 34 pp. (Photocopies only)
Kuenning, James A. and Thomas B. McKee, 1977: Five day accumulated precipitation for selected stations in Colorado. Climo Rpt. 77-4, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, October, 216 pp. (Photocopies only)
McKee, Thomas B. and C. David Whiteman, 1977: Components of infrared net radiation in a mountain valley. Climo. Rpt. 77-5, ATS Paper 279, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, October, 102 pp. (Photocopies only)
Benci, John F. and Thomas B. McKee, 1976: Monthly and water-year precipitation climatology for selected stations in southwest Colorado. Climo Rpt. 76-1, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, September, 174 pp. (Photocopies only)
McKee, Thomas B., John F. Benci and Paul Mielke, 1976: Probability of extreme 24-hour precipitation events in Fort Collins. Climo Rpt. 76-2, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, November, 11 pp. (Photocopies only)
Whiteman, C. David and Thomas B. McKee, 1976: Observations of vertical atmospheric structure in a deep mountain valley. Climo Rpt. 76-3, ATS Paper 260, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, November, 21 pp. (Photocopies only)
McKee, Thomas B. and John F. Benci, 1976: Weather modification in Colorado. First Annual Report October 1, 1973 - September 30, 1974. Colorado Climatology Office, Dept. of Atmos. Sci., CSU, Fort Collins, CO, May. (Not Available)
Balick, Lee and Thomas B. McKee, 1975: The climate of Colorado. A contribution to County Data Books. (Not Available)
Colorado Water Congress - February 2021
Colorado Climate Update
Presented by Russ Schumacher
VinCo Annual Conference - January 2021
The weather and climate of western Colorado: How does it affect wine grapes and
what might climate change bring?
Presented by Russ Schumacher and Peter Goble
Through the Lens: Colorado's Changing Climate - Vail, CO - September 27, 2019
Colorado's Climate - What changes have we seen?
Presented by Becky Bolinger
Drought Amelioration Workshop - Boulder, CO - September 24, 2019
Drought Tools and Monitoring for the Intermountain West
Presented by Becky Bolinger
U.S. Drought Monitor Forum - September 19, 2019
Providing Crop-Specific Flash Drought Information
Presented by Peter Goble
National Soil Moisture Network - September 9, 2019
CoCoRaHS and the Role of Citizen Science in the National Soil Moisture Network
Presented by Peter Goble
NIDIS Missouri River Basin Forum - Colorado Update - August 28, 2019
Colorado Update
Presented by Peter Goble
Colorado Water Congress - August 21, 2019
Data, Variability, and Trends in Colorado's Climate
Presented by Russ Schumacher
AASC Poster Presentation - June, 2019
Colorado's Climate in 2018-2019, and Updates from the CCC
Presented by Russ Schumacher
Ag Energy Efficiency Road Show - April 22-23, 2019
Colorado's Complex and Beautiful Climate
Presented by Peter Goble
Hydrology Days - March 28, 2019
A Reflection on Water Year 2018
Presented by Peter Goble
Greeley Water roundup - March 15, 2019
Colorado Weather and Climate Update (or: "What a Difference a Year Makes")
Presented by Russ Schumacher
Delta County Water Conservancy District - March 13, 2019
A Climatologist's View of the North Fork of the Gunnison
Presented by Peter Goble
Denver-Boulder AMS meeting - February 28, 2019
Climate Monitoring, Climate Research, and Climate Services for Colorado
Presented by Russ Schumacher
99th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society - January 10, 2019
Providing Crop-Specific Flash Drought Information
Listen to oral presentation by Peter Goble
99th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society - January 8, 2019
The Evolution and Impacts of the 2018 Four Corners Drought in Southwest U.S.
Listen to oral presentation by Becky Bolinger
Water Year 2018 Recap and Seasonal Forecast - October 16, 2018
Intermountain West Water Year 2018 Wrap-up and Seasonal Forecast
Presented by Zach Schwalbe and Becky Bolinger
Department Colloquium: Colorado Climate Center - September 28, 2018
Climate Monitoring, Climate Research, and Climate Services for Colorado
Presented by Russ Schumacher, Becky Bolinger, Zach Schwalbe, Julian Turner and Noah Newman
APEC Climate Symposium - Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea - August 21-23, 2018
Developing a regional drought outlook
product using seasonal forecast information
Presented by Becky Bolinger
La Junta Drought Workshop - August 9, 2018
Colorado Drought - Where are we now, where are
we headed, and how can we partner?
Presented by Becky Bolinger
NIDIS Drought Webinar Series - June 25, 2018
Southwest Drought
Presented by Becky Bolinger
Arkansas Basin Water Forum - La Junta, Colorado - April 11, 2018
Colorado Weather and Climate Update: Halfway Through the Water Year
Presented by Russ Schumacher
The Arkansas Basin Climate Report -- Remembering Where We've Come From
Presented by Nolan Doesken
Webinar: Extension Drought Task Force - April 6, 2018
Weather and Climate Update for Colorado
Presented by Becky Bolinger
Webinar: Colorado State University Extension Agents - February 5, 2018
Weather and Climate Update for Colorado
Presented by Russ Schumacher
Colorado Water Congress, Denver, Colorado - January 25, 2018
Precipitation Extremes in Colorado
Presented by Russ Schumacher
Western Slope Horticultural Society Conference, Grand Junction, Colorado - January 17, 2018
A Look at Colorado's Climate Across Time and Space Scales
Presented by Russ Schumacher
Rocky Mountain Hydrologic Research Center Meeting, Boulder, Colorado - December 1, 2017
A Reflection on Water Year 2017
Presented by Peter Goble
NIDIS Seasonal Forecast, Webinar - November 21, 2017
NIDIS Intermountain West December - February Winter Outlook
Presented by Becky Bolinger
WMO Workshop on Information Management (WWIM), Geneva, Switzerland - October, 2017
Guidance for Managing Crowdsourced Data
Presented by Henry Reges
WERA 102 Conference, Idaho - September 11-14, 2017
Colorado Climate Center Yearly Update
Presented by Peter Goble
CSU Dept. Soil and Crop Sciences Weekly Seminar, Fort Collins, Colorado - August 31, 2017
The Research, Products, and Services of the Colorado Climate Center
Presented by Becky Bolinger and Zach Schwalbe
Plant Health Care Workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado - June 15, 2017
Short and Long Term Trends in Colorado Front Range Temperatures
Presented by Becky Bolinger
2017 MOISST Workshop: Integrating Diverse Sources of Soil Moisture Information, Stillwater, OK - May 23, 2017
The Launch of CoCoRaHS Soil Moisture
Presented by Peter Goble
U.S. Drought Monitor Forum, Keystone, South Dakota - April 4, 2017
Drought Monitoring Efforts as Part of the NIDIS Intermountain West DEWS
Presented by Becky Bolinger
U.S. Drought Monitor Forum, Keystone, South Dakota - April 4, 2017
CoCoRaHS and the Drought Impact Reporter
Presented by Peter Goble
Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Seattle, Washington - January 26, 2017
Tracking Seasonal Precipitation's Dependence on Root Zone Soil Moisture Using Regional Reanalysis
Presented by Peter Goble
Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Seattle, Washington - January 24, 2017
Developing a Drought Outlook Product for the NIDIS Intermountain West Drought Early Warning System
Presented by Becky Bolinger
Rio Grande National Forest Workshop, Colorado - October 19, 2016
Historical and Current Climate in the Rio Grande
Presented by Peter Goble
Climate and Water Supply Update, Edwards, Colorado - May 16th, 2016
State of the (Eagle) River
Presented by Nolan Doesken
CSU ClimateSmart Ag Conference- May 5th, 2016
Where is our Climate Taking us?
Presented by Nolan Doesken
Arkansas River Basin Water Forum - April 28th, 2016
Colorado Climate Update and Outlook
Presented by Nolan Doesken
24th National Weather Association Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK - October, 2015
Field Photo Weekends - Documenting Visual Impacts Over Time
Presented by Henry Reges
WERA 1022 Meeting- September 3rd, 4th, 2015
The CoAgMet Network: Overview, History, How it Works, What it Shows
Presented by Nolan Doesken
Colorado Water Congress Summer Meeting - August 19th, 2015
Climate Update and the 'Miracle May' of 2015
Presented by Nolan Doesken
Seventeenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-17), Geneva, Switzerland - May, 2015
How a National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHS) or other Institution can Create a Volunteer Observing Network
Presented by Henry Reges
Colorado's State Record Maximum Temperature Full report compiled by Russ Schumacher for a new state record maximum temperature on July 20, 2019.
Colorado's State Record Hailstone Full report compiled by Russ Schumacher for a new state record hailstone from August 13, 2019.
Colorado's State Record Lowest Pressure Full report compiled by Russ Schumacher for a new state record low pressure from March 13, 2019.
Climate Smart Ag
Best Practices Management documentation for ranchers to better prepare for climate change.
Colorado Wine Grapes Project
Peter Goble has been working with the wine industry in Colorado to determine
ideal locations for growing wine grapes.
The Snow Booklet
A Guide to the Science, Climatology, and Measurement of Snow in the United States
By Nolan J. Doesken and Arthur Judson (1997)
Colorado Climate
Encyclopedia Entry
A report, with supporting graphics, detailing the climate of Colorado
By Peter Goble and Nolan Doesken (Released in 2017)