Climate and Weather Education

Virtual and Remote Activities

Due to COVID-19, we have developed an educational resource page that gives parents and teachers some tools to help teach kids about our climate, from a computer or tablet.

Colorado Climate Educational Resources

CCC Outreach Activities

Yes, we do outreach! We've had groups visit us at the climate center, and we also regularly travel to teach students, teachers, and the general public about the climate, Colorado's climate, and measuring precipitation with CoCoRaHS.

Contact Noah Newman for more information!

External Outreach Resources

GLOBE Climate Module
Check out this climate module from Elementary GLOBE which includes a book and several activities. Also search other modules from their website, including Clouds, Seasons, and Water.

UCAR Center for Science Education
Resources for educators, games and activities for students, field trip info.

NASA Climate Kids
Website tailored for kids, with information and acvities on weather and climate, ocean, and more.

USGS Water Cycle for Schools and Students
Interactive map of the water cycle, available in beginner, intermediate, and advanced modes.

NOAA ESRL Student Activities in Meteorology
Links to several different activities that teach students about clouds, the ozone, and more.

NOAA NOS Discover Climate
Activity Book: Discover Your Changing World With NOAA, with ten activities to introduce users to the essential principles of climate science.