Precipitation Projections
Click on a station to see precipitation projections.
Mobile users: touch a station twice to see graphic.

On the Map...
This map of Colorado shows the station locations for which we've calculated precipitation projections. Mouseover a station (or tap it on your mobile device) to see the station name. Click the station (or tap it again) to bring up the latest projection plot below the map.

Projection Plots...
Each plot shows the current accumulation of water year precipitation up to the date specified in the legend. From that current date to the end of the water year, projections based on historical data are plotted. Each projection assumes the current accumulation as its starting point, then assumes historical accumulations for the rest of the water year. Descriptions for each line in the plot are below.

Black Line:
Current accumulation of precipitation from the start of the water year (October 1) until the most recent observation date grabbed.

Gray Dashed Line:
Official NOAA long-term normal daily accumulation for the station, calculated for the 1981-2010 time period. The end of the line represents the station's long-term normal annual precipitation total.

Thin Gray Lines:
Each line represents accumulation of precipitation from the current date to the end of a historical water year. The total number of lines is the number of years in the historical record that contain 5 or fewer missing days.

Green Dashed Line:
This represents the official long-term normal daily accumulation, from the current date until the end of the water year. This line shows what the accumulation for the current water year would be if the station received average precipitation for the rest of the water year.

Purple Line:
This represents the upper 67th percentile of precipitation based on the historical record. The line shows what the accumulation for the current water year would be if the station received above average precipitation for the rest of the water year.

Orange Line
This represents the lower 33rd percentile of precipitation based on the historical record. The line shows what the accumulation for the current water year would be if the station received below average precipitation for the rest of the water year.